Live Your Best Y.O.L.O Life!
Initially inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Campaign, The Yolo Student Athlete Project also known as "Yolo Fit Kids Inc." was created April 2012 as means to alleviate early signs of obesity, illiteracy, poor academic performance, poor social skills, and low self-esteem within marginalized youth.
In these marginalized communities, access to quality resources are scarce. Living conditions are poverty stricken, oftentimes drug infested, and filled with crime. This is compounded with income-based housing, and limited opportunity for any recreational activities. It is no secret that in recent years, funding for extra curricular activities in these areas have been either misappropriated, or dramatically cut, lessening the chances of the youth's success rate.
Mission: While taking a stand in the fight against both societal disparities, and childhood obesity, Yolo Fit Kids Inc. empowers the youth to maximize self-leadership by getting fit, in mind and body, through recreational fitness, teamwork, and knowledge that foster growth, increase skill development, and inspire imagination.
Vision: To build good moral character and equip young people everywhere with an optimistic outlook of their bright future by developing a strong mind and strong body, which are the tools necessary to live a long, healthy, and prosperous life.
Goal: To focus on a mental and physical lifestyles, that show the youth how to improve their quality of living through self-awareness, physical activity, education, teamwork, and developmental life skills. We strive to provide quality resources, and programs that are affordable and accessible to all. It takes a village to raise our youth!